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[8PF]∎ Descargar Free Dreams and Vampires Dee Krull 9781465357045 Books

Dreams and Vampires Dee Krull 9781465357045 Books

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As a Clinical Hypnotherapist Laruel knows her business. However, when her clients are being taken one by one by a vampire calling himself Naken she fears that somehow the hypnotherapy is also responsible. Raithe, Laurel's best friend and sometimes assistant fears for her own life, as well as Laurel's and her clients. The two of them race against time to try and figure out why her clients are being taken and how to stop Naken from taking anyone else. Ben and Kianas are the two loves in Laurel's life and the choices she makes are tantamount to what the future holds for her and the people she loves. Ben, a love from her past has just come back into her life. Kianas is a new love who promises a future that she could never have imagined, on another world called Htrae. Htrae is a world from another universe. A world filled with beauty beyond belief and danger that threatens Laurel's life and her ability to hold on to her past. If she allows Kianas to turn her she may never be a part of her son's life. However, if she stays human she could die.

Dreams and Vampires Dee Krull 9781465357045 Books

Having never read any of the modern vampire books I didn't know what to expect. This book starts out very slow but then picks up in the second chapter. It was a very quick read and ended far too soon for my liking. The end left me hanging and wondering what would come next. I really like the unusual twist with the heroine being middle-age rather than the usual 20 something.

One major improvement would be to fire the proofreaders...they did a lousy job and get some who can actually read. There were times I was terribly distracted by the errors that should have been caught with proofing.

A suggestion for future books in this series...and I hope there are many more to come...would be a page with pronouncements of some of the strange names. I would also like to see the pictures (house layouts and maps) be larger. They are near impossible to see on the Kindle.

For a fun quick read, this book will do the it, you might be surprised at what a modern vampire can do.

Product details

  • Paperback 210 pages
  • Publisher Xlibris, Corp. (September 7, 2011)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1465357041

Read Dreams and Vampires Dee Krull 9781465357045 Books

Tags : Dreams and Vampires [Dee Krull] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. As a Clinical Hypnotherapist Laruel knows her business. However, when her clients are being taken one by one by a vampire calling himself Naken she fears that somehow the hypnotherapy is also responsible. Raithe,Dee Krull,Dreams and Vampires,Xlibris, Corp.,1465357041,Fiction,Fiction - Science Fiction,Fiction Science Fiction General,Science Fiction - General,Science fiction
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Dreams and Vampires Dee Krull 9781465357045 Books Reviews

The story was entertaining, but it was hard to get into the book due to the poor writing. The sentences were choppy, grammar was poor, and the pacing of the story was horrible - even for a free book on the Nook! It could have been a very good read had the author taken the time to edit and streamline it a bit better. The "ending" was more of the ending to a chapter, so I am sure that there will be a sequel coming out at some point. If the sequel is offered as a free book, I may start it to see if the writing improves, but I'm not holding my breath.
When I first started this book, I really had no idea where it was going. I have read where more vamp stories than I should probably admit to and this one did not seem to be anything like them. I loved that! While formulaic reads have there place, I was so ready for something different.
While the beginning was a bit slow, the pace picked up quickly as the adventure truly began. What I loved about this book, aside from the fact that the gorgeous heroine was a bit older than the standard late teen early 20's type heroine I have seen time and time again, was the lore. Somehow Ms. Krull managed to create a paranormal romance/adventure that completely captivated the sci fi fan in me. She definitely did some research before writing this book.
The only issue I had with this book is that some of the numbers did not add up to me, but I doubt most people will even notice. I am a big old math geek, so numbers stay with me in a way that the do not with most people.
I am so excited that this is going to be a series and am really looking forward to reading the next book.

I received an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Dreams and Vampires by Dee Krull Dreams and Vampires by Dee Krull cover

The first of this series is an introduction to the world and characters of Htrae. The story begins on earth with a psychologist specializing in regression hypnotherapy. Strange events occur as Laurel's patients begin having nightmare dreams after their regression hypnosis therapy sessions.

The first part of the book concentrates on character development of Laurel and plot set up for the second part of the book. The second part further develops the plot along with character development of the male protagonist, a vampire, as well as the heroine, Laurel. Htrae is an alternate world with vampires, werewolves, witches, and humans all of whom live very long lives.

This first book is more of a long preface to the Saga of the World Called Htrae. It is well written, but if you are not committed to reading the entire series then don't start this one. This is not a stand alone book. The end is not the end, rather it has an abrupt "to be continued" ending without resolution or climax.

I give this book a four star rating. The character development and plot background development for the series were well done and essential. The novel was not as captivating in drawing me into the characters as I would have liked. However it was interesting enough to make me want to jump right into the next part of the story. Adults 18+ because of explicit sex.
It's vampire paranormal romance for the middle-aged woman! What I love about this book is that the heroine, Laurel, is a fifty-two-year-old clinical hypnotherapist. I cannot even remember the last time I picked up a genre book where the main character was over twenty. As a forty-something myself, I found this fact refreshing as I could relate to where Laurel was in her life. The book picks up in chapter two, intriguing you with a unique take on vampires, and a fast plot. I won't let out any spoilers here, but I definitely have not seen this particular twist on vampires before. Since the author has a PhD in hypnotherapy herself, the details of her practice come through and add a level of enjoyment to the read.
If you love romance, vampires, and are tired of reading about teeny-boppers, then you'll enjoy this book!
Having never read any of the modern vampire books I didn't know what to expect. This book starts out very slow but then picks up in the second chapter. It was a very quick read and ended far too soon for my liking. The end left me hanging and wondering what would come next. I really like the unusual twist with the heroine being middle-age rather than the usual 20 something.

One major improvement would be to fire the proofreaders...they did a lousy job and get some who can actually read. There were times I was terribly distracted by the errors that should have been caught with proofing.

A suggestion for future books in this series...and I hope there are many more to come...would be a page with pronouncements of some of the strange names. I would also like to see the pictures (house layouts and maps) be larger. They are near impossible to see on the .

For a fun quick read, this book will do the it, you might be surprised at what a modern vampire can do.
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